“Reclaim America from Constitutionalism”: Law Professors Now Call to “Pack the States” Rather than “Pack the Court”
Below is my column on the increasing condemnations of “constitutionalism” as the root of our problems as a nation. The...
Below is my column on the increasing condemnations of “constitutionalism” as the root of our problems as a nation. The...
A month ago, I was speaking with an associate at a DC law firm. I told him that I work...
The evidence suggests that the Bank Secrecy Act framework has proven a minor inconvenience for criminals but a major burden...
The Bastiat Society is a global network and outreach program of the American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) committed to...
The conventional story about the 2008 financial crisis is that, after the so-called “shadow banks” made too many risky bets,...
The Founders believed rights entailed restrictions on government power. The dominant progressive view imagines rights as granted by government. ...
Ratified between 1771 and 1781, the Articles of Confederation remained in force until they were superseded by the Constitution in...